Hormone Harmony Habits Checklist

You can take back control of your hormones and restore harmony with these habits.

  1. Give yourself a recess at least once a day.
  2. Drink filtered water and green or other herbal teas instead of soda.
  3. Stay away from sugary and/or starchy foods, especially in the mornings and after dinner.
  4. Eat small meals frequently, with ample vegetables, lean protein, whole grains and legumes, and some raw nuts and fresh fruit.
  5. Choose organic versions of your staple foods and beverages, and others as much as possible.
  6. Keep your home well ventilated and avoid air fresheners with “fragrance.”
  7. Avoid synthetic fragrance and antibacterial ingredients in soaps, beauty, grooming, laundry and household cleaning products.
  8. Engage in enough physical activity, of the right type, for your body.
  9. Take a good quality multivitamin, CoQ10 and fish oil.
  10. If necessary, take additional supplements for specific situations.

Visit http://www.hormoneharmony.org/checklist/ to download a copy of the HH Habits Checklist so you can track your progress.

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